- Birth: 1 Sep 1870, Montrose, Iowa
- Death: 14 May 1927, Muscatine, Muscatine, Iowa
Family 1:
William Sheffield NORTON (Dr.)
- Marriage: 7 Jun 1893, New Mexico
- Ruth May NORTON
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Muscatine County Iowa Obituary Index
with surrounding counties includingLouisa, Johnson, Scott and Cedar
Mrs. W.E. Walsh received a message Sunday morning announcing th death of her cousin, Mrs. Nor
ton, which occurred at her home in Muscatine, Ia. Saturday night. Miss Georgia Walsh went t
o Muscatine Sunday to attend the funeral. Mrs. Norton had visited the Walsh home here severa
l times.
Chillicothe, MO Constitution 16 May 1927
Obit for: Myrta Edith Morgridge NortonDeath date: 14 May 1927Obit published in: Muscatine J
ournal & News-Tribune, Monday May 16, 1927xerox copy of obit received from Carolyn Hidlebaug
h 26 Dec 2003.Title of Obit:WIFE OF CORONER CALLED BY DEATHEnd is result of three year's i
llnessMrs. Norton's Condition Serious for Past Week - Funeral Services Conducted This Aftern
oonText of Obituary:Mrs. Myrta Edith Norton, 54, wife of Coroner W. S. Norton, died at he
r home, 408 Broadway at 4:30 Saturday afternoon after an illness of three years. For the pas
t week Mrs. Norton had been bedfast and hopes for her recovery had been abandoned.Miss Myrt
a Edith Morgridge was the only daughter of Dr. and Mrs. George O. Morgridge, former resident
s of Muscatine. She married Dr. W. S. Norton in 1893 at Los Cerrilos, New Mexico. For many ye
ars Mrs. Norton had been an active member of the First Congregational Church here but for th
e past few years had been affiliated with the First Church of Christ Scientist.Surviving bes
ides her husband, are one daughter, Miss Ruth Norton, and her mother, Mrs. Ruth Morgridge, bo
th at home. One brother, Dr. Henry Morgridge, preceded her in death.-FUNERAL TODAY-Funera
l services were conducted from the home this afternoon at 2:30 by J. A. Storts, first reade
r of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, assisted by the Rev. William Hainsworth of the Fi
rst Congregational church. Interment was in Greenwood cemetery.Pallbearers were Dr. F. A. Ne
il, E. Ferguson, George Filble, Chester Billy, James Brody and Webb Will. M. P. Goff, funera
l director, was in charge of arrangements.
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