Alexander Harper Family Society
Membership Request Form

Please note All fields in Green are required.

First Name:
Last Name:
Street Address:   Apt./Unit#
Street Address2:
Daytime Phone:
FAX Number:

Note! the e-mail address supplied above will be used as a name for access to the 'Members Only' area of the family web site.
18th Century Relative in your direct ancestory (if you know):

How did you hear about us?


After clicking on 'Send Membership Request' a message will automatically be sent to our Secretary Julie Noble notifying her of your request.

You will see an Invoice for $15.00 for your annual membership and the name and address to send a check or money order for your dues.

After payment you will receive your family directory, be put on the mailing list for the 'Harper Herald' and given access to the 'Members Only' portion of the family web site.




This site maintained by Rick Harper
Images copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
All rights reserved