2002 Summer Programs at Shandy Hall
         Presented by the Western Reserve Historical Society


May 4th - Opening Day
  Refreshments for all and a grand prize drawing.
May 18th - Colonel Robert Harper birthday celebration
  Cake will be served and the Colonel will make an appearance and deliver a lively speech.
June 15th - The Harpers come to Ohio
  A celebration to honor the family's arrival in the Western Reserve. Alexander Harper will discuss the long, difficult journey. Guests can try their hand at surveying and try on period clothing.
July 21st - Family Days
  A day for families to bring a picnic lunch and play period games. Tug of War and wheelbarrow races will be held.
August 24th - War of 1812 Reenactment
  American and British troops will form battle lines and fire muskets.Demonstrations will be provided by the soldiers.
September 22nd - Harvest Days
  Demonstrations of spinning, weaving, and candle dipping will take place. Apple pie and cider will be served.
October 27th - Closing Day/Appreciation Day
  Refreshments for all.


All of this in addition to the regular Hours below:

Hours & Admission:
May - October, Saturday and Sunday noon to 5
p.m. Admission - $4 for adults and $3 for seniors
and students; WRHS Members and children 5 years
of age and younger are admitted for free.
Address: 6333 South Ridge Rd. West / Geneva,
OH 44041
For more information call 440/466-3680.

This site maintained by Rick Harper
Images copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
All rights reserved